Mad Icarus Media

There Is No Template For Marketing

The million-dollar question is: does your target market even know you exist? Are you creating strategies with their pains in mind?

How do you communicate your different from your competitors? Does your marketing strategy mirror these differentiators? Is there even a marketing strategy in place?

Marketing isn’t about slapping together five or six different ways of getting your company name out there. It’s probably safe to say the ROI on those branded coffee mugs you bought isn’t very high. And how would you even measure its success? Part of building a marketing strategy is understanding that each element of your marketing campaign needs to be quantified and analyzed. Only then can we see which elements are preforming well and which ones need to be adjusted or discarded altogether.

Building a marketing plan without proper thought and strategy could end up in a lot of wasted time, energy and assets. We need to decide what your target market is, how and where they consume content, their behaviors and most importantly, what is their pain and how can you fix it. We all have a pain, whether it’s “My basement is flooded and I need a plumber” or “I wish I knew how to market my company a smarter way.” These are examples of pain points for consumers, just like you and I. It is only when the pain of their experience becomes acute, that they are ready to buy or engage in a service.

Understanding your prospects pain is the foundation of any good marketing strategy. Want to get started on finding out your prospects’ pains? Click the button below to receive your free 30-minute marketing assessment.

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4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content That Connects

The times have changed and prospects are no longer driving from store to store looking for information to help them make purchasing decisions. They want to find information about your business quickly and efficiently.

Click the download button below to learn why you need content that connects.


4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content that Connects

4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content That Connects

The times have changed and prospects are no longer driving from store to store looking for information to help them make purchasing decisions. They want to find information about your business quickly and efficiently.

Click the download button below to learn why you need content that connects.


4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content that Connects