Mad Icarus Media

Tag Archives: Keywords

7 Ways Keywords Can Open The Door To New Leads

Keywords are the foundation and structure of a SMART marketing campaign. By integrating keywords into blogs, headings, page titles and content you will soon find more and more organic traffic flowing to your website.

Did you know that search engines have less than one second to analyze a page on your website? One second may not seem like enough time to properly categorize a website, but spiders crawl millions of pages a day, so one second is all your website might get. To make the most of this fraction of time, you need to ensure your website is optimized to help the spiders properly categorized your content and drive customers to you.

Specifically you need keywords to accurately describe your business or service. They only way to do this is to focus on the user, not the search engine. Try using the same keywords that your buyers use and avoid the mistake of talking OVER them. Using detailed industry terms, acronyms, and business jargon may confuse, annoy and even break that emotional bond they have formed with your business. You may be a seasoned vet in your industry but all that wisdom may not be common knowledge to potential buyers. Think like your buyers and remember; your website was built for your buyers.

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4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content That Connects

The times have changed and prospects are no longer driving from store to store looking for information to help them make purchasing decisions. They want to find information about your business quickly and efficiently.

Click the download button below to learn why you need content that connects.


4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content that Connects

4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content That Connects

The times have changed and prospects are no longer driving from store to store looking for information to help them make purchasing decisions. They want to find information about your business quickly and efficiently.

Click the download button below to learn why you need content that connects.


4 Undeniable Reasons You Need Content that Connects