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Want To Be On Page 1 of Google Tomorrow – Turn to Video Marketing

Posted on January 24, 2017 by Dennis Lewis

You finally had your company’s website redesigned but you’re not ranking as high as you would like to or even hitting page 1 of Google. Could it be the video marketing you passed on to save a few bucks? Or perhaps you didn’t think Google really cared that much about video on your website. The reality is Google spiders crawl your website looking for juicy tidbits, especially videos, to help them better index your site. Don’t let the spiders down, embrace video marketing and give them something to crawl about!

We hear it all the time, “I have no idea where to start or even how to shoot a video.” It’s ok, your inbound marketing gurus are here to help you get on page 1 of Google. Just like your video needs to have a beginning, middle and end, so does your video marketing strategy.

  • Beginning – This is where you do all the necessary research to ensure your video is hitting your targeted audience and delivering the goods.
    1. Create a story board- Map out what you want to say and potential shots you want your viewer to see. Keep the video under 2 minutes and be sure to educate your viewers.
    2. Fold in keywords – Once you have an idea of what your topic is, do some keyword research (Google or Hubspot). This is VERY important. Google Spiders now “scrape” audio content for keywords or phrases your customer might use to search the web for your company.
    3. Write a Script – Use a fair amount of those keywords you researched and plug them into your script. Don’t stress about having an elaborate Hollywood script either, this is just to keep you focused on the topic and keep the content from wandering. Stay focused and remember, educate your clients.
  • Middle – This is where the fun begins. Time to make some movie magic!
    1. Sound Check – Your video can be anything you want it to be, except poor in sound quality. Nothing will get the back button clicked quicker than sound that is too loud, too soft or riddled with white noise. Spend a few bucks and get a decent microphone.
    2. Video Check – Try to refrain from using your new iPhone to shoot your company video. We know it’s awesome, but save it for Angry Birds and Temple Run. Video cameras aren’t that expensive, and since you’re dedicated to improving your website ranking via video marketing, make the investment.
    3. Edit Check – So you have all this educational, keyword infused, great sounding video but it needs a little editing. No problem, there are several user-friendly editing software packages out there. Find some cool music to add to the front and back end of the video and place keywords in the video title.
  • End – The coup da gras to your video marketing voyage requires a remarkable ending; an ending that is quantifiable.
    1. Tag it – The video is a work of art, now give it a name. Once again use those keywords in your descriptive copy and meta tags. Google’s spiders look everywhere; give them something to report back!
    2. Land it – Once the video is in its final form you’re ready to give it a proper home, its own landing page. This enables you to drive traffic back to your website which will lead to conversions.
    3. Track it – Be mindful about checking on the number of social signals your video is getting on YouTube. Replying to comments and engaging conversation can and WILL lead to sales opportunities. You can also use YouTube’s analytics to help make decisions on future videos. If some video content is out-performing other topics you may want to focus your future video marketing on similar content.

Let us not forget one of the most important and usually most forgotten steps, SHARE IT!! Social Media Marketing is quickly becoming a hot item in Google’s ranking algorithm. Make sure your company is using all of its inbound marketing tactics, like social media, to help drive leads.

Up Your Video Marketing Today!

January 24, 2017

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